Sunday, June 10, 2012

Colt Study

"Colt Study" 7 x 5 Oil on Linen on Board

Time to experiment again. This was a nice surface to work on, not as slick as the plain board. It's amazing the different properties of each surface, stretched canvas, canvas on board, linen board, etc. They all have their pros and cons, I guess that's why we give them a try. I really focused on big shapes and values and avoided details in this and enjoyed looking for warm colors in the shadows. Click here for purchase information

Friday, June 8, 2012

Three Round Bales

"Three Round Bales" 5 x 7" Oil on Board

I decided to experiment by using a gessoed board instead of stretched canvas. It is definitely a different surface to work on for me because it is slick and the paint doesn't sink in like it does with canvas and there is no give. I will probably try some more in the future. As always, it's good to leave the comfort zone.
Click here to bid.