Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Morning Dew on the Hay

"Morning Dew on the Hay" 6 x 9" Original Pastel
© Trish Stevenson

Hay bales abound this time of year in all shapes and sizes and as I roamed around this particular cool fall morning, my eye was caught by the light hitting the big, round bales. There was a heavy dew, the sky was misty and seemed full of moisture causing the trees in the distance to look soft and faded. It all seemed to make an otherwise unremarkable scene into something worth painting!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Roan Surprise

"Roan Surprise" 5.5 x 6" Original Pastel 
© Trish Stevenson

This was from a little band of domestic horses that were friendly but also wary as they had been in the hills all summer and none of them were broke. I really enjoy trying to capture different aspects of the horse's personality - each horse has it's own unique characteristics, so much like people. Some are outgoing and greet you right away while others hang back a little more careful. This one seemed to be saying "I'll stay back here until I figure you out!"
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