The dramatic lighting of the afternoon sun against the stormy background really made this grain elevator stand out. This particular elevator sits amongst an abandoned town with several fallen down buildings. SOLD
This scene is near Ft. Peck Reservoir, a 125 mile stretch of the Missouri River in north central Montana. It is included in the 1.1 million acre Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge - the wild country that you find in Charley Russell paintings.
#18 of 100 paintings to come. For purchase information, click here.
This is a subject near and dear to my heart - I'm not sure why except that old cars and trucks seem to run in my family. Painting a rusting 50's Chevy pickup is pure enjoyment for me.
Deer abound everywhere, I think. I was walking through a cemetery with my granddaughter in the middle of Ft. Collins, Colorado once, when we came upon eight of them grazing among the headstones!
Anyway, this mule deer was one of three bucks I happened upon in Wyoming, and I was intriqued by the lighting of the scene as well as trying to capture the springy bounce of a deer on the move.
I guess because we live near the river, we seem to get a lot of morning fog, and on really cold mornings a wonderful white world of frost. It's almost surreal because everything from the trees to the grass to the barbed wire and fence posts is covered with a layer of sparkling white crystals. Just another sight that makes the cold Montana winter a little more bearable!
This is painting #13 of 100 in progress. For purchase information, click here.