Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunset Red

I love to paint horses in any situation and here the little colt was backlit by the sunset, so I had a lot of fun playing with the red color of his body in shadow. Click here for purchase information.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tail End

Here I am again exploring the many colors of white - this little calf seems to be lost among the bigger ones.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


Waiting without complaint, this horse was still anxious to get back to work at a neighbor's branding.

#22 of 100 paintings. To bid, click here.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hilltop Jimmy

Couldn't resist another old truck, this time a GMC, no hood, but still basking in the sunlight.

#21 of 100 to come - click here for purchase information.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Prairie Skyscraper

The dramatic lighting of the afternoon sun against the stormy background really made this grain elevator stand out. This particular elevator sits amongst an abandoned town with several fallen down buildings. SOLD

#20 if 100 paintings

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rainy Day Buffalo

I am really just discovering buffalo (bison is their official name). What an icon of the West!

To bid, click here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wintertime Near Ft. Peck, Montana

This scene is near Ft. Peck Reservoir, a 125 mile stretch of the Missouri River in north central Montana. It is included in the 1.1 million acre Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge - the wild country that you find in Charley Russell paintings.

#18 of 100 paintings to come. For purchase information, click here.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chevy Heaven

This is a subject near and dear to my heart - I'm not sure why except that old cars and trucks seem to run in my family. Painting a rusting 50's Chevy pickup is pure enjoyment for me.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

River's Edge

The Yellowstone River is actually under ice right now, so I painted this from a photo I took last fall.

For purchase information, click here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Snowy Shadows

Thank God for the beauty of winter, I'm not sure how much more of this 10 below zero weather I can take!
This is #15 of 100 paintings to come. Each one (so far, I may venture into oils later on) is an original pastel, 6 x 9", Click here to bid.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Muley Buck

Deer abound everywhere, I think. I was walking through a cemetery with my granddaughter in the middle of Ft. Collins, Colorado once, when we came upon eight of them grazing among the headstones!
Anyway, this mule deer was one of three bucks I happened upon in Wyoming, and I was intriqued by the lighting of the scene as well as trying to capture the springy bounce of a deer on the move.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Frosty Trees

I guess because we live near the river, we seem to get a lot of morning fog, and on really cold mornings a wonderful white world of frost. It's almost surreal because everything from the trees to the grass to the barbed wire and fence posts is covered with a layer of sparkling white crystals. Just another sight that makes the cold Montana winter a little more bearable!
This is painting #13 of 100 in progress. For purchase information, click here.

Friday, February 27, 2009

On Watch

Number 12 painting of 100 in progress. Original pastel 6 x 9", unframed - price includes shipping within U.S. For purchase information, click here.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Grazing Greys

This piece was inspired by the wild horses of Teddy Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota. It is a 6 x 9" original pastel, #11 of 100 paintings in progress. SOLD

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Winter in the Hills

This winter has been very long and very cold. What makes it bearable is the snow-covered hills and their amazing colors. For purchase information, click here.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pryor Buckskin Mare

I took a couple of wild horse hunting trips this past summer and have done several paintings inspired by those trips. This one was from the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Preserve south of Billings, Montana. Buckskins are one of my many, many favorite colors of horses. For purchase information, click here to bid.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Afternoon Tea

I drink tea every morning and occasionally in the afternoon, from this, my favorite teacup.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cottonwood Reflections

Cottonwoods seem to spring up wherever there is a bit of water. Useful as well as beautiful, they were valued by early settlers in this area to build log homes, a few of which are still standing today. SOLD

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Snow-covered Sunset

One of the advantages of loving in the "sticks"; beautiful sunsets, even in the depths of winter. SOLD

Monday, February 16, 2009

Little Red Calf

Late afternoon light provided some interesting challenges in contrast and color. This is Painting #5 in 100 for $100. SOLD

A Rusty Couple

Since I can remember, my Dad & brothers have been restoring antique cars or trucks, so scenes similar to this are embedded in my memory. These two, a Packard and a Chevy, seem to be leaning on each other, telling each other their old stories.
This painting is currently on display at Custer County Art Center, Miles City, Montana, 406-234-0635. SOLD

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Buffalo Nap

This painting was inspired by a trip to Theodore National Park in western North Dakota, a beautiful landscape of river and colorful badlands. Among the wildlife there resides buffalo and several bands of wild horses. I have had a few paintings come out of my visits there which you can see here. SOLD

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Two Horses with a View"

Here is the second painting - only 98 more to go! Horses are definitely one of my favorite subjects.

Click here to bid:
My items on eBay

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Sunnyside Deer", 6 x 8" Pastel

Here is #1!

This is the first painting of "100 Paintings for $100" that I plan to do in the next few months.

For purchase information, click here.